IHI Open School for Hospitals and Health Systems

IHI Open School for Hospitals and Health Systems

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To purchase an IHI Open School Group Subscription, contact us at memberinfo@ihi.org. Please include the name of your organization and the size of your requested subscription.

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Many organizations leverage the IHI Open School to build foundational capability in safety and quality improvement among staff at all levels, and build the health care leaders of tomorrow. Hospitals and health systems around the world use our platform to ​develop common language, reinforce knowledge, introduce new career pathways, and guide clinicians to deeply consider what matters to patients and populations.
New in 2024: Join the IHI Community of Practice for Hospitals and Health Systems.

What to Expect

What You'll Learn

Hospitals and health systems around the world use the Open School to:

  • Develop the capability of health care staff in the areas of safety, quality improvement, equity, and person-centered care
  • Develop a common language within their organizations about system improvement and quality improvement methods
  • Guide clinicians to deeply consider what matters to patients and populations, and how to achieve more equitable care
  • Introduce employees to new career pathways in patient safety and quality improvement
  • Reinforce trainees, residents, and fellows in learnings around patient safety, quality, and quality improvement
  • Provide a gateway into advanced training for employees like the Certified Professional in Patient SafetyTM credential
  • Augment the practices supporting an organization’s high-reliability journey


​# of Participants 
​Cost ($USD) 
​Price Per Student
​Price Per Course **

**Price per course based on the Basic Certificate (13 courses)

Subscriptions for groups greater than 500 users are also available. To purchase an IHI Open School Group Subscription, contact us with the name of your organization and the size of your requested subscription at OpenSchoolSubscribers@ihi.org.

Note: Subscriptions will not auto-renew. We will contact you when your subscription is approaching expiration. Scholarships may be available in cases of financial hardship.

New in 2024: Join the IHI Community of Practice for Hospitals and Health Systems

As a member organization, you will be part of a community that is focused on leveraging and scaling the knowledge of the Open School to improve organizational safety and quality. Learn from other members how they are using the Open School at their organizations to improve quality and safety. We will also be leveraging the Community of Practice to understand the trajectory of your organization’s needs for new courses and resources to continue to build your staff and advance patient care.


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IHI Open School