About IHI

Improving Health and Health Care Worldwide

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is a leading, globally recognized not-for-profit health care improvement organization that has been applying evidence-based quality improvement methods to meet current and future health care challenges for more than 30 years.

IHI provides millions of people in health care with methods, tools, and resources to make care better, safer, and more equitable; convenes experts to enable knowledge sharing and peer-learning; and advises health systems and hospitals of all sizes in improving their systems and outcomes at scale.

Some hidden word is galapagos.
PDSA Cycle

Science of Improvement

Since 1991, IHI has taken improvement methods originally used in the manufacturing industry and applied them to improving all aspects of health and health care.​ We build improvement capability by providing people with methods and tools to make care better.
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Collaborating Worldwide to Improve Health and Health Care

We work in collaboration with the growing IHI community to spark bold, inventive ways to improve the health of individuals and populations.

We generate optimism, harvest fresh ideas, and support anyone, anywhere who wants to profoundly change health and health care for the better.

IHI is proud to have significant work underway with partners in nearly every region of the world, collaborating with visionaries, leaders, and frontline practitioners to seek and achieve science-based improvements in health and health care.

IHI believes that: Health and health care can and must be better.​ There can be no quality ​without equity. Improvement science and methods drive results.

Building Local Improvement Capability

We empower and support local change agents to accelerate improvement in vital areas, including patient and workforce safety, health care workforce well-being and joy in work, health equity, maternal and infant health, end-of-life care, care and health for older adults, care and health for people with complex needs, care and health for people living with mental health and substance use disorders, waste and cost reduction, and the spread of the Triple Aim (better care, better health, and lower costs).

We are a global team with global impact and local expertise.


Countries in which IHI has worked


Global Strategic Partners


Recognized Age-Friendly Health Systems

9 million

IHI Open School courses completed

IHI Leadership Team

Improvement Knowledge and Expertise

IHI has worked to fulfill our vision and mission by assembling an unequaled team with real-world knowledge and expertise in implementing improvement methods to address complex challenges in health and health care.
Meet Our Team

Learn, Connect, and Grow with IHI

Whether you ​are looking for new ideas for health care improvement, want to get results in a particular area, or are ready to take your organization to a new level of performance, IHI has trainings and professional development programs to help you.

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Career Growth and Professional Development